Headline sponsor:

13 September 2024
Royal Lancaster,
Created and presented by Parking Review magazine, the British Parking Awards are an independent competition. The awards recognise the leading examples of car park management, enforcement, design and team work.

Lifetime Achievement Award
The Lifetime Achievement Award will be presented to a parking professional who has made an outstanding contribution to the sector over the course of their career. Parking organisations and professionals are invited to nominate an individual who has consistently made an outstanding contribution to the industry and represents a 'model of excellence' across their entire career.
The entry should include detail of:
Name and role of candidate
Career history
Testimonials and references
Training undertaken
Professional and personal achievements.
The judges will be looking for the following:
A clear commitment to working in parking as a career
Examples of doing the extra things that results in outstanding performance
Consistent application of good practice
Excellence as a representative of the parking industry to the customer/local community
High level of respect amongst fellow employees
Undertaking training in subjects and skills relevant and helpful to their parking role (NVQs, post-graduate courses, MBAs, specialist parking, highways and business management courses)
Active membership of professional bodies and initiatives (BPA groups, IPC, transport institutions, charities, etc.)
Personal circumstances will be taken into consideration by the judges.
If the candidate submits themselves please provide contact details of a referee.
Please supply:
Customer and client feedback/testimonials
Press cuttings/Links to websites
Details of other awards won.